Wednesday, October 30, 2013


This blog will be exactly what the title says...all for the kids.  My whole life, since as long as I can remember has been based around kids.  I helped take care of a much younger sister, I babysat, I took care of kids at church, I hung out with people with kids, I went to school to teach kids and as I look back 7 years of teaching third grade and a masters degree and two babies of my own has been all for the kids.  Why you might say...because kids possess a quality that I love...innocence and a love for life learning and anyone that will listen to and validate them.  So, why seven years in third grade....I love these kids and how they still want to please, but they are developing an independence and opinions that need to be molded and shaped.  They need to learn how to say, "excuse me, I'm sorry, I was wrong,  I am important, I have something to contribute and it is okay to be me."  So, I guess I teach to be in the business of letting students know that they are loved and that love often means high expectations and someone not giving up!!!  I teach because I want to make a difference.  I do it for the kids!